Scholarship Download

We are delighted that you have chosen to participate in an OSCA Adventure.

In submitting an application, please note the following:

  • Follow all directions carefully. An incomplete application will result in disqualification.

  • Three letters of recommendation from people other than relatives are required and must accompany your completed scholarship application. One letter must be from a current or former teacher.

  • All applicants must be 9-17 years old. To attend camp, nine-year-olds must currently be attending or have completed 4th grade.

  • ALL components of your application must be returned at the same time and must be postmarked no • later than 12:00 midnight on January 30th, 2022.

  • Read carefully the information regarding Partial Scholarships.

  • Scholarships cover program tuition, meals, lodging and air transportation. Scholarships do not cover flight suits, transportation to the airport, airport meals, or incidentals.

Scholarship winners will be traveling to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama in a chaperoned group. We will acknowledge receipt of your application, and let you know that it is being processed.

Mail your completed application via regular mail to:

Daniel Tilson

OSCA President Oregon Space Camp Adventures

22982 SW Hosler Way Sherwood, OR 97140

All applicants will be notified of the results no later than January 15th 2021. Please refrain from phone calls and emails

Winners will be announced in February.

This Years Scholarship Is brought to you by the Rotary Club of Sherwood Oregon

This Years Scholarship Is brought to you by the Rotary Club of Sherwood Oregon